Once you bring organization to the mind level, it is much easier to manifest what you really want. Your life energies, physical and soul, begin to all work towards your goal.
Here are a few steps to manifest your desires:
1. Sit quietly and bring awareness to your chest, ask yourself what you want to manifest…just wait and see how your body responds to what your mind brings up.
2. Set your intentions, write them down. Focusing your attention on what you want, as opposed to what you do not want is key. Express this intention in a simple way, and give it direction by writing it down and setting it on your altar.
3. Trust the universe. Once you know what you want, trust that the universe and source will do everything possible to make it happen (once your mind is fully set on that idea in a positive way).
4. Remember that everything has its time, patience is key. Stop pressuring your mind to make it happen faster, the universe knows the perfect timing for your life.
5. The goal is to spontaneously manifest your deepest desire. In order to do this, we must enter higher states of consciousness through meditation, yoga practice, or even a simple breathing practice for a few minutes a day.
Remember to manifest from a point of love and joy, so that wonderful things can spontaneously manifest for you everyday!